




Marine Biology and Aquaculture Section
Building a fishery science network in Okinawa as a marine biology research platform

The Ryukyu Archipelago, surrounded by a vast extent of sea, is blessed with rich marine organisms. Historically people in Okinawa have been engaged in fishing of these resources from coral reef to offshore. Okinawa prefectural and national public institutions including institution of fisheries science have invested in sustainable resource management and aquaculture projects for years, however, still the trend of resource degradation continues. On the hand, the level of seed propagation that will meet the demand of fishery farming company is far from enough, and geographical superiority of Okinawa has attracted the business of logistic base recently. It means that the needs for land culture of marine lives of temperate zone is being higher than ever before. Thus, the development of needs-pull type of marine research with a global perspective is an important topic to tackle.

The purpose of this research is to establish a fishery science network as a platform of our research results. We conduct a research to contribute to fishery industry of Okinawan people by orchestrating the expertise of the researchers from related fields.









このプロジェクトは、地震津波・台風を主とした海洋自然災害研究分野のネットワーク化を軸に、関係する国内・国外機関との連携体制を構築し、革新的な学術新領域の創出に取り組むものである。本学が戦略2として掲げる「地域に根ざした強み・特色ある研究分野の強化及び横断型プロジェクト研究を基軸にした新展開」および「研究資源を持つ学外機関とも連携した研究推進システムを構築する。」に合致するものである。また、本取組を達成することで、第3期中期目標期間中のビジョンである「新しい学術領域であるTropical Marine, Medical, and Island Sciences (TIMES:熱帯島嶼・海洋・医学研究)の国際的な拠点として『アジア・太平洋地域の卓越した教育研究拠点となる大学』」にも寄与するものである。





The main targets of our research are large earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons, which are typical natural disasters that affect the social environment in the Nansei Islands.
In the field of earthquake and tsunami research, we investigate the possibility of occurrence of large interplate earthquakes in the Nansei Islands (Ryukyu Trench) by measuring ocean- bottom crustal deformation. We estimate the possibility of large interplate earthquakes in the Ryukyu using “slow earthquakes,” which have recently been discovered in various mega- earthquake zones. In addition, we are developing a method for evaluating the potential of tsunamis due to submarine landslides. The method is based on submarine topography surveys.
In the field of typhoon disaster research, we develop a system for predicting typhoon intensity using weather radar. In addition, we are improving the sophistication of image recognition using a high-resolution numerical-simulation system and artificial intelligence to analyze and predict accurately the anomalous atmospheric phenomena associated with such natural disasters as typhoons and torrential rains.
